We're the Passey's; Ben, otherwise known as Mr. Fix-it, Megan, domestic engineer and head mistress of Passey Pupils, Tafton 8 years old and able to out logic most, Mikaela, the most determined 7 year old out there, Jill, our stereotypical mess-making toddler, and Jackson, the baby boy caboose.
This September marks our ten year anniversary and it has been full of ups and downs. After we got married we were doing all the things that adults are "supposed" to do. We were working full time jobs, both completing degrees, bought a house, had a baby, and then 2009 and the recession hit. Megan was laid off while pregnant with our second child, and our eyes were opened to the fact that we were broke! We ended up having to sell our home and move in with the parents while we completed our degrees, raised our two oldest and tried to get back on good financial footing.
This trial started us down the road of frugality, couponing, price matching, stockpiling, and most importantly self sufficiency.
We love to help others learn how to help themselves through frugal living and DIY. We hope this blog will be beneficial to your families.
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The Passey's ~ Est. 2006