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Master Bedroom Makeover

Master Bedroom is now complete! Our master isn't very large according to modern standards but it fits our King-sized bed comfortably and has his-and-hers closets. When we purchased our home, the master was blah. White walls, old chain plug-in light, frilly curtains.

At least these pics were taken with a nice wide angle lens. You're able to see the majority of the room here.

And looking from the opposite side.

Here's our room now from the same angle! It's looking a lot more up-to-date!

And from the door looking in...

We painted the walls with Sherwin Williams Mindful Gray The trim is painted with Behr Silver Dust.

We installed the same 3 light fixture that's in the Guest Room. We bought it from Home Depot. It provides a lot of light and so do the windows!

Speaking of windows, Ben designed and installed our window boxes and trim. It's gorgeous painted white! I love craftsman style details and it's been fun adding them to our home.

Everything else in this room is staging! The red pillows are actually from our couch but I love the contrast with the blue bedding. They are from IKEA, but not available for purchase. We've had the red vases on our dresser for-ev-er! They're from IKEA and from what I can tell they don't carry them anymore either.

The greenery I bought on Amazon and put it in a glass jar I already had with dollar tree decorative rocks. The greenery is only $10 for 4 sticks. Which is really good even compared to Hobby Lobby at 50% off prices! The sticks are really full. I have two in this jar and two in another jar in the dining room.

The red actually my red maxi dress! I got it at Costco! 😜

Isn't staging amazing?! If you're trying to make your pictures look great; think outside the box, borrow from other areas in your house, and don't spend more than you have to!

I wish I had a wide angle lens and not just my phone camera for pictures so I could show you the whole room at once rather than in snippets. When it's time for us to sell, we will most likely borrow a wide angle lens to have better pictures. I did take a panoramic though so you can see the room in its entirety!

Final question for you guys! We have removed the closet sliding doors from our closets because our children literally knocked them off and almost got crushed within the first hour of moving in. We still have the doors though. If you were looking through a home, as a buyer, would you rather have the doors on or off? Personally, I think doors off makes the room feel larger. But when you're selling it's not about what we like, it's about being appealing to the masses!

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