Tafton is Ten {and Two Months!}
Tafton's birthday was two months ago now and we wanted to share with you how he spent his birthday budget. Once our children turn 8 we give them a budget for their birthday, right now the budget is $40, that may change in the future. With that money they can choose to have a friend birthday party, or purchase a present for themselves, or a combination of the two. We give them a family birthday party regardless but it's simple with just cake and family invited.
Tafton chose to have a Nerf battle birthday party. He designed the invitations on google docs. Sorry I can't find a copy of his invite! He had a really fun time designing it though. He hand delivered them to save postage cost.

We borrowed extra Nerf guns and ammo from Grandma Shirley in case some of the boys didn't have Nerf guns.

For food Tafton purchased 2 Little Caesar's pizzas, 3 large sodas, and a bag of Cheetos. I made cupcakes from what we already had in food storage and "charged" him what I would have spent; my buy price for cake mix is $1 or less, frosting $1.50 or less. We had watermelon that I needed to be eaten so I brought that out to the party as well!

At this point he had spent $13ish on food for his party and was able to keep the rest. He ended up buying a Minecraft Lego set with his leftover birthday party budget money combined with birthday money he received as gifts.

The boys all had a great time, Ben included, and I didn't have to stress planning an extravagant party!

Later the next week, Tafton and I went to VIllage Inn to have a birthday breakfast with a FREE kid's meal coupon. It was nice to have some one-on-one time with him.

Happy Birthday Tafton!