April Spending Report

So back in March reviewing our spending I felt like we had gotten off the gazelle track but reviewing April's spending is worse 😧. At least in March Ben and I were having budget meetings and deciding together that yes we are going to spend some money and not put quite as much to debt. April was a bit of a free-for-all on my part. Too many Costco and restaurant visits! Ben and I have made a commitment to get back on the gazelle track for May, so that spending report should be less embarrassing for me! 😄

We paid $1.125 in tithing. This is a bit high because $302 of it is from the last paycheck in March but it didn't clear our account until April.
$1.767.66 this is two mortgage payments one just cleared the beginning of the month and one cleared at the end. Our mortgage is just the house payment. We had PMI removed last year and we manage our own escrow rather than the mortgage company. I highly recommend doing both these things!
Water Bill $74.80. Power Bill $148.10 This was two bills, one cleared at the beginning and one at the end of the month. Comcast $79.80. Natural Gas $82.88. Phone $97.86.
Sinking Funds
We have sinking funds for car insurance $143.62, car registrations $24, life insurance $42.68, and property taxes $140.

The food category includes Ben's breakfasts at work, restaurants, and groceries. I define groceries as food, paper products, diapers & wipes, beauty and personal care.
Ben's breakfasts cost $30.85. I was hit-and-miss, more miss, on making food for Ben at home to keep that number down. I usually make biscuits, eggs, sausage or bacon for him so he doesn't have to go down to the cafeteria.
Restaurants $151.72. This is so high this month! Our city has a "restaurant week" every year where you can go to independent restaurants and enjoy a set menu at a discounted price to basically sample their stuff. It's awesome! But not for the checkbook! We also had pizza from Pizza Hut twice. Even with discount codes, it's more pricey than Little Caesars, or just eating at home!
Groceries $540.09. What?!?! I don't even have case lot sales to explain this high number. I also didn't take my usual pictures and do cost breakdowns because I didn't go on one big trip. and I really think that could be why the number is so high. When I make my big shopping trip plans, I try to get the biggest bang for my buck and I don't go back to the store except for milk. All the little trips, I would impulse buy something or somethings. It definitely adds up! Keep the trips down, keep your costs down!
Ben did not get accepted into the last school we applied to, but we did have the pleasure of the application fee clearing our account after we got the "no." $25.
Kid's Activities
We signed up all 4 kids for swim lessons this summer starting in June. $128.
I bought some capris and a pair of shorts at Costco. $58.84

Car Maintenance
We had issues with the Subaru, again, and also had to do some maintenance on the lawn mowers. $224.78
If you've been following our spending report this is the biggest difference from previous months. As I said earlier I went on a bit of a free-for-all with spending. Several redbox movies that I forgot to bring back and so got charged for extra nights, got a pedicure, signed up for an exercise program. Ben and I also went on a date to the shooting range and out to eat. We also paid a deposit on a camping ground for a camping trip to Moab in a few weeks. Total: $280.64
Home Projects
Ben is building another table and we purchased some woodworking tools for that. There was also small items we needed to pick up at Home Depot. $231.96
$224.02. This is surprisingly low. Our monthly budget for gas is $300. Somehow we spent less in this category while going over in every other category. I just don't know and this is why we need to have a plan for every dollar and follow that plan!

$3,281.73. We're down to one credit card and our windows. We should be completely done with our non-mortgage debt on August 17th! Yes, I have looked at our upcoming paychecks and figured out the exact date we will be done!
$370.41. We purchased chicken food, fertilizer, some things off Amazon, and a camp stove for the camping trip to Moab.