Gazelle Intense
I've been a fan of Dave Ramsey for several years. But even though we've been fans; listening to his podcast, reading his books; we haven't gone full gazelle intense yet. Well guess what?! 2017 is the year!!! We're going gazelle intense!!!! I'm crazy excited!!!

So what is gazelle intense? Basically, it's getting really focused and really angry at your debt. Angry enough that you want to kick it to the curb and get it out of your life for good.
I feel like I've been working on paying off all our debt forever!!!! and I'm sick and tired of it! What's worse is the reason why we haven't paid it off is because we HAVEN'T been following his plan by the book (literally☺). We've used our credit card instead of an emergency fund, we've signed up for more student loans when we should've cash flowed, and we didn't do the snowball, instead we paid extra in drips and drabs.
No more! and I'm super excited. I'll be sharing more about how we're getting in the mindset and what exactly we're doing but I'm looking for ward to trimming the fat this year and FINALLY kicking the debt to the curb!!