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Goals for May

It's May 3rd and I haven't made our meal plan yet for the month. The hardest part of getting dinner on the table, for me, is deciding what to eat. I LOVE to bake and cook but deciding what to bake or cook is a killer! Last night, it's 6:30 and I haven't started anything. Ben and I realized it was Tuesday, which is 3 for $1 tacos night at Del Taco, so off I went to wait 40 minutes in a drive thru to get 24 tacos to feed our family. I think I need to get our menu made for May.

While I was sitting in the drive thru lane, listening to Moana, I made a list of all the things I would like to accomplish in May. Here are my goals for the rest of the month:

- Prep & paint back room

- Rejuvenate back room floor using the wood floor refinisher I got on clearance

- Paint basketball wall hanging for boy's room DONE

- Find basketball hoop for the wall hanging [would love suggestions on finding a smaller metal hoop]

- Finish painting bathroom trim downstairs

- Discuss garden plans with Ben DONE

- Buy pumpkin & melon plants as we didn't get seeds started

- Finish spreading mulch DONE

- Plant daylily bulbs DONE

- Sign up kids for classes at Marshall White, our local community center DONE

- Plan one family activity/trip DONE

- Organize shop/garage

- Go through the kids toys, with the kids, to determine what can be put in the yard sale

- Organize kid's clothes, figure out better storage system

- Discuss yard sale plans with family DONE

- Purge older medical documents DONE

- Call Mortgage company to release escrow to our management. DONE

What are your goals for this month?


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

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