Birthday Budgets
This past month we've been celebrating Tafton's 9th Birthday. He loves to read and I love to see him reading. He'll use phrases that sound so odd coming out of a 9 years old mouth, But I really enjoy hearing them. He is so smart! Because he's the oldest he can be somewhat of a police officer trying to keep the younger kids in line - it's important to him that everyone follow the rules and he can get so disappointed in himself when he thinks he's fallen short.
I'm humbled that I've been chosen to be his mother, to guide, teach, and prepare him for this life. One area I want to prepare my kids in is finances. I wish for them to make smarter choices with their money than we have! One thing I want them to understand is that money is finite. If you spend a dollar, you no longer have that dollar.
In line with this, we decided to let our kids manage a birthday budget once they turn 8. We give them a dollar amount and with that they can decide to have a birthday party where friends are invited and everything that is purchased for the party comes from that budget OR they can keep the money and buy a birthday gift. They're also allowed to keep whatever money they don't spend on party supplies. The hope is that this will cause them to think more critically about their financial choices.
For Tafton's birthday he decided to have a camping party. He originally wanted to do a camp out, but we had to nix that idea because we have decided not to do sleepovers with friends as a family rule. Instead we held it as late as we thought we could allow, while still in the school year!

He opted not to buy invitations and instead made them in Microsoft Word. Bonus! Practice on his computer skills! He designed and typed up the invite. He then hand delivered them rather than mail them.

He didn't want to do any special activities other than making s'mores around a campfire. He said they could all play and run around outside because we have a playground for a back yard (something we tell them all the time). And if they had to go inside because of the weather he said the only appropriate activity would be video games. Seriously, he used that exact phrase.

The menu was hot dogs and buns, carrot sticks, chips, soda, and s'mores. Because I'm a couponer we were able to get him all the menu supplies for $15. That was the only money he spent on his party and he was able to keep the rest, which we spent on Legos, of course.

It was a fun casual party, the kids had a great time running around playing outside, playing video games, and making s'mores. I had a great time because I didn't stress over decorating and planning activities! Mikaela is already talking about what she's going to do for her party in August when she turns 8! I can't wait to hear her ideas!