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October Goals

This past weekend was General Conference. In my religion, we have a conference every six months where church leadership speaks to the members about lots of different things, providing guidance on living our faith while also traversing this world.  

Growing up, we'd have to go to our church meeting house to be able to watch conference. Nowadays, we can watch from our homes, in our jammies, eating snickers! 

Since we've been married, if we're not working, we travel to the Passey cabin to watch the fall session of conference. No cell phones or internet and until recently no running water! It's wonderful to have a getaway where the day - to - day stress can be left behind. We even got to see some snow fly! 

I'm a bit thrown off that is already October. September went by fast and seeing the snow at the cabin, I get the feeling that COLD weather will be here sooner than I'd like! There's a lot I want to get done before we're stuck inside because of cold weather and snowstorms.

I brought my trusty notebook with me and wrote down a lot of lists.  Basically everything that's been banging around in my head but I don't usually have time to just sit and get it on paper. 

Here's what's on the docket: 

To do:

Finish fall decorations

Under-the-bed tub to store swim towels

Organize freezer room

Go through clothes for end-of-year donation

Hang shelf in boys room

Finish basketball backboard AND hang it

Prep kitchen for painting

Look up how to prep raw wood to paint

To buy:

Suit for Ben's grad school interviews (hopefully) 

Contacts/ glasses

Permanent crown

Vent register for kitchen

Mums for front porch

Straw for chicken coop

DIY projects:

Candle holder table centerpiece

Christmas ornaments aspen log

Spring wreath 

Copper wind chimes

Growth chart 

Wall hanging w/wall art stickers

Winter to-do:

Swamp cooler

Hoses & hose-cover

Potted plants

Toy shed

Clear garage

Take down trampoline

Muck out and re-straw chicken coop

Get snow shovels and salt ready

Snow scrapers in vehicles

Cut back vegetation

It's a lot, but now that it's on paper instead of in my head, I feel less overwhelmed.  Time to get to work! 

What are you working on these days? 


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

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