Meal Plan Monday - February 26 2018

I made a triple batch of waffles last Saturday using this recipe. I've decided to start grinding wheat and using whole wheat flour in some recipes. For these waffles I did half whole wheat and half white I also subbed 3/4 cup of flaxseed for flour.
I made two dozen cherry muffins on baking Saturday using this recipe: I was able to use some of the homegrown cherries from the freezer.
Sandwiches: Sandwiches are always made with homemade bread and then either peanut butter and jelly or lunch-meat and cheese. When I find lunch-meat for a good price I'll stock up and freeze it. We're down to our last 2 pounds of lunch-meat. Sandwich Bread recipe:
The soup and chili we have for lunch is canned. We're trying to eat all of our food storage. We have no more chicken noodle, we have 5 cans of tomato soup, and then a few cans (maybe 2-3) of other flavors. We have around 15 cans of chili left.
Ramen was on sale 6 for $1 last week so I bought two cases. 1 each of low sodium chicken and beef. Grand total of $8.34 for 48 packages. We usually prepare at least 3 for lunches.
BBQ Pork was leftover from my parents farewell back in September. It's been in our freezer and we just pulled it out. It's really nice having a deep freeze and the ability to save a lot of food that would otherwise go bad and be wasted. The mashed potatoes we had with them were also leftovers! YAY LEFTOVERS!
Spaghetti & Meatballs is going to be a nice easy meal. I bought the spaghetti on sale at Smiths for $0.49 a package. I usually make meatballs, but was able to get some at Smith's for between $0.99-$1.99 per 1-lb package. That's a better price per pound than I get for ground turkey so it was better deal to buy them premade, not to mention the time saved! Knowing your price points can really help save you money and know when it's a good idea to buy rather than make homemade! I'll be making homemade pasta sauce using this recipe:
Baked Potato Bar. We were able to get A LOT of potatoes for a great price so you'll be seeing them on the menu quite a bit! I'll have ham cubes, chives, sour cream, corn, broccoli, carrots, shredded cheese, etc.
Chicken Enchiladas. I bought tortillas for $0.79 a package last grocery trip, a great deal so I bought a few packages. I've already prepped the chicken in the instant pot. Mix shredded chicken with canned enchilada sauce (red or green) and shredded cheese. Add 1/4 cup to each tortilla and roll. Put in greased casserole pan. Once pan is full of enchiladas, add sauce and cheese on top. Bake at 350 until cheese has melted.
Pizza Hut is a bit of a splurge! Mikaela and Tafton have Book-It certificates to redeem so there's will be free. The rest of us will enjoy eating in one of the last sit down Pizza Huts around! I'll definitely be employing any available deals to bring the cost down!
Potstickers and Rice: Potstickers are frozen from Costco and come with sauce to dip. I'll be making rice in the instant pot.