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March 3rd Grocery Trip

If you've been reading our grocery's posts over the last few months, you know that we've been focusing on using our food storage for our meal plans and keeping our grocery spending low. The month of March changes all that!

There are a lot of great grocery deals right now, not to mention, case-lot sales are starting next week! I'm going to be restocking our food storage but still not to the proportions I'm used to. Stocking our food storage means spending more money, while still focusing on getting the items we need for the lowest price possible.

I shopped at Kent's Market, Lee's Marketplace, Smith's, and Costco this trip.

Kent's Market

-6 packages of Keebler cookies $1.98 (I used 4 $1 off 1 package coupons to get 4 of them for FREE. I got these coupons by redeeming my Kellogg's points.)

-4 boxes of Cheez-its $3.96 (I used 4 $1 off 1 package coupons to get them for $0.99 each. I got these coupons by redeeming my Kellogg's points.)

-1 Pringles FREE (There was a peelie coupon for FREE pringles when you buy 3 boxes of Cheez-its. Love those fun surprises!)

-1 Snak-bag of Nutter-Butters $0.99

-10 lb bag of apples $4.98 (This is a great price on apples per pound! I'm happy if they're $0.99/lb, this was half of my regular buy price!)

-Gallon of Pancake Syrup $4.99

-3 gallons of 1% milk $3 (I used 3 $1.50 coupons off milk when you buy two packages of Keebler cookies)

Total: $21.02

Lee's Marketplace

-5 lbs of Ham $14.98 (On sale for $2.88/lb!!!)

-Cottage Cheese $.97

-15 lbs of Bacon $27.66 (On sale for $1.79/lb!!!)

Total: $43.81


-Honey $11.99

-Downy Unstoppables $11.49

-Tide Powder Detergent 180 loads $23.99 (So expensive. I'm on the fence about continuing to make laundry detergent. If not, I need to find a cheaper, effective POWDER DETERGENT. Feel Free to recommend your fave!)

-25 lbs Flour $5.69

-BBQ chips $6.39 (Splurge! Love these chips.)

Total: $76.44


-2 packages of diapers $7.98 (Mega-sale Item)

-Baby Wipes FREE (Free with purchase of diapers. Clicklist offer)

4 boxes of family sized Triscuits $7.96 (On sale for $1.99 regularly $4.49?! Who pays those regular prices?!)

-1 box family sized Wheat Thins $1.99

-2 boxes family sized Ritz $3.98

-2 Clif Bars FREE (Free Friday offer - I got double using my dad's account while he's on his mission)

-Jello Pudding Mix FREE (Free with the purchase of cool whip. Clicklist offer)

-Cool Whip $1.79

-Tub o'Lard $5.49 (I use lard in the biscuits I make for Ben's work breakfasts)

-2 gallons distilled water $1.98

-Imitation butter flavor $2.69 (I use this in homemade biscuits and syrup)

-2 lb. Shredded cheddar cheese $4.99 (Mega-Sale Item)

-An embarrassing amount of Mt. Dew $33 (3 for $10 and I had $1 of 2 coupons)

-Lara Bar FREE (clicklist coupon)

-3 bags frozen meatballs $3.47 (These were on mega sale and I had one $1 coupon, and one $1.50 off two coupon. Ready made meatballs for cheaper than I can homemake them!)

-2 lb. Frozen corn $2.09

-2 lb. Frozen peas $2.09 (Used a $0.40 off 2 frozen vegetables digital coupon)

-Head of lettuce $0.99

-5 lb bag of carrots $2.99

-2 bags Cheetos $3.54 (Crunchy of course - we're not wimps!) (Mega Sale Item)

-2 bags Nacho Doritos $3.54 (Mega Sale Item)

-2 bags Cool Ranch Doritos $3.54 (Mega Sale Item)

-2 bags Chili Cheese Fritos $3.54 (Mega Sale Item)

-1 bags Fritos $1.77 (Mega Sale Item)

-4 rolls of pork sausage $8 ($2.50 regular price but I had a $2 off $10 meat purchase coupon. I'll use these to make breakfast sausage for Ben.)

-English muffins $1.14 (Used a $0.25 digital coupon. These will be a backup breakfast item for Ben's work breakfasts)

-Colgate Toothpaste FREE (Mega-sale item and used a $2 digital coupon)

-2 boxes Froot Loops $2.38 (Mega-sale item and used a $3 off 5 Kellogg's cereal coupon)

-3 boxes Frosted Flakes $3.57

-5 boxes Life cereal $6.45 (Mega-sale item)

-Sliced cheddar cheese FREE (Smith's preferred customer digital coupon)

-2 Lindt chocolate eggs FREE (Free Friday offer - I got double using my Dad's account while he's on his mission)

Total: $121.39

GRAND TOTAL: $262.66

Guys, that's more than we spent on groceries all last month. By thirty dollars. In one weekend. In the first weekend of the month. This is going to be a big grocery spending month!

I'm really happy with the items I was able to get for that amount. The per item/pound cost was $1.74!

Next grocery trip will be highlighting the upcoming case lot sales. After that it'll be back to using what we have!


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

Thanks for passing by!

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