17 Spring & Easter Decor Ideas on a Budget
It's March, the sun is rising earlier, the days are getting longer and warmer and I'm ready to throw some color into my decor! What I'm not willing to do is spend a lot. I found several free printables and DIY spring decor ideas that would be a perfect way to add Spring touches without taking pruning shears to our bank account!

I love the floral design on this one and the message for Easter. Beautiful and meaningful! There are three different printables and gift tags available to download in this design.

Hello Spring printable from Landeelu and HomeMade Lovely
I'm in love with all the wreath type printables and these are no exception!

I've seen these frames around Pinterest for awhile, but this is the first one that gave really clear directions on how to create these large pictures. They suggest using foam board for the backing; check out your local Dollar Tree to get it for a buck! I also adore the message in this frame. I try to get my children to understand this all. the. time!

Another pretty wreath printable with a lovely scripture for Easter! I also love her piano top vignette. So pretty with the glass jars and greenery. That's a really easy way to add some spring into your home. Gather a variety of glass jars and vases and fill with natural or fake greenery and early blooms.

This would be really cute paired with bunny tabletop decor {which you can find an adorable DIY below!}

Dollar Store Bunny Transformation from The Project Pile and The Creek Line House
This is a great example of looking at things with a creative eye. Inexpensive and found things can be completely transformed with paint!

This doesn't have any tutorial. Here's what I'd do. Take an old amazon box {we all have those lying around right?!} and draw the letter you want with sharpie. You could also use Word program to select the font you'd like and print it out to size. Now that you have your template, cut it out of the cardboard. Using inexpensive dollar store flowers, remove blooms and hot glue or use E6000 glue to adhere to cardboard. Let dry and enjoy!

Every aspect of our lives can do with some Spring touches, even when writing out everything we need to accomplish! I love this to-do list. And you could use this anytime not just in the Spring!

Botanical Inspired Prints from Craftberry Bush and Live Laugh Rowe
These prints feel very Spring-Farmhouse to me. There are several varieties available to download from each.

Eek!! This looks so cute and would be a fun activity to boot! Save those branches from pruning and get making!

Always fun to put some bunting up. Feel like a party every day! I love that this bunting is natural and won't overpower your regular decor.

There are several moss projects to choose from on this site. Adding those green touches brings the outside in and really makes it feel like Springtime. You can find moss at the Dollar Tree!! You can also get styrofoam balls, pots, frames, jars, and more! Check your local Dollar store before buying at the craft store, you may save some money!

the TASTE of Spring! Doesn't this Lemon cake look delish? I'm definitely going to be trying this one out!