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Meal Plan Monday - March 19 2018

This week is a little different for us since Ben is flying out to Tennessee for a grad school interview very early Tuesday morning and won't be getting home until after dinner on Thursday night. Because of this, I'll be making a lot of simple meals.

I made a triple batch of waffles on a recent baking Saturday using this recipe. I've decided to start grinding wheat and using whole wheat flour in some recipes. For these waffles I did half whole wheat and half white I also subbed 3/4 cup of flaxseed for flour.

I made two dozen cherry muffins on baking Saturday using this recipe: I was able to use some of the homegrown cherries from the freezer.

Sandwiches: Sandwiches are always made with homemade bread and then either peanut butter and jelly or lunch-meat and cheese. When I find lunch-meat for a good price I'll stock up and freeze it. Sandwich Bread recipe:

I'll be making Yogurt with our instant pot following this recipe. I've made it once before and decided I needed to get beefier cheesecloth. I ended up buying THIS one off Amazon.

Korean Beef is soooo yummy! My sister, Sarah, introduced it to us a couple summer's ago and now we have it regularly. I don't use sesame oil, I just use vegetable oil.

Wingers chicken is dang delicious! Another recipe passed to me from another sister, Becca, a few years ago. I LOVE Winger's wings and sticky fingers. Now that I have this recipe I don't see any need to spend restaurant prices when I can make it at home. It tastes exactly like the restaurant's.

Package(s) frozen breaded chicken-cook according to package instructions.

1.5 C Brown Sugar

1/3 C Frank's Red Hot Sauce (I've also used generic with great results)

1/6 C water

Combine and heat on stove top until boiling. Boil while stirring for one minute. Remove from heat.

Toss cooked chicken with sauce.

I also like to mix the wingers' sauce with thick ranch dressing 1 to 1. It's a great copycat for Winger's Amazing Sauce. I like to use that sauce for dipping chicken or potato wedges in. Scrumptious!

I don't list all of our sides on our menu plan generally. We usually have fresh or canned fruit with breakfast and lunch and we have canned, frozen, or fresh vegetables with dinner.


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

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