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Meal Plan Monday - April 30 2018

Sorry I've been MIA the last couple of weeks! We've been busy with birthdays and babies. But this week I have my meal plan ready for you!!! It's a busy week so I'm keeping it pretty simple with some classic standbys for my family.


I do not follow my meal plan for breakfast day by day. What I like to do is make sure I have the items on hand to make the different breakfasts listed. We have 15 laying chickens and are getting around a dozen eggs a day so eggs are ALWAYS for breakfast. I make waffles, muffins and french toast on my "Baking Saturdays" after checking our stock in the freezer. I've been using THIS recipe to make yogurt and Our Best Bite's cinnamon rolls recipe.


Lunch is the same as breakfast in that we don't necessarily follow this meal plan but I have the supplies on hand. I make our bread using a DealsToMeals recipe. I love this bread recipe! I can grind whole wheat and make whole wheat bread. I can use white flour and make white bread. I can either make 4, 2, or 1 loaf at a time and it always turns out.


Monday: I stock up on pasta at Smiths when it goes on sale for $0.49 a package. I use Budget Byte's Butter Pasta Sauce recipe to go with it. I make Italian sausage using THIS seasoning recipe and ground turkey.

Tuesday: Another Budget Bytes recipe, this time for pork chops. It is so yummy!!! I use this spice rub in a lot of other recipes now. It's a great blend of sweet and spice! I buy potatoes when they're at $0.20 a pound or less.

Wednesday: We'll be going to a local hot springs this evening, so we'll be packing in dinner. It'll be sandwiches, fruit, string cheese, chips, etc. Picnic lunch at the pool. It should be a fun night!

Thursday: Who doesn't love leftovers night?! Waaaay less work for me and we don't end up wasting food! I pick Thursdays for leftovers night because our trash is taken out the next morning. If we need to throw out food, it won't end sitting in the trash can getting stinky.

Friday: Another easy and well-loved meal! I'll probably make bacon to go with dinner and of course EGGS! Then to round it off, we'll have waffles, french toast, or regular toast.

Saturday: Cinco De Mayo calls for tacos! I'm going to make taquitos with canned chicken, white beans, cheese, and the spice rub from the Tuesday pork chop recipe. So delicious!

Sunday: I was able to get a great deal on frozen meatballs at Smith's. This results in saved time for me! I prepare brown gravy and mashed potatoes to serve on the side. I will also serve cooked vegetables.

What are you eating this week?


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

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