May 2018 Spending Report
Omigoodness guys! May and June have been so full of activities in our family, and the spending report will really show that. May was a...

April Spending Report
So back in March reviewing our spending I felt like we had gotten off the gazelle track but reviewing April's spending is worse 😧. At...

March Spending Report
We had big plans for March. March is a month of three paychecks so we planned to finish paying off the Subaru and sock away as much money...

February Spending Report
Each month we're going to track and categorize our spending so you can see what we spend, how we try to save money in the various...

January Spending
Our 2017 resolution was to be gazelle intense and pay off the rest of our debt. We were doing great through July, but come August; all 3...

2017 Year-End Report
I've had it in the back of my mind to go over last year's bills and payments and determine where our money went last year. Well I finally...