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2017 Year-End Report

I've had it in the back of my mind to go over last year's bills and payments and determine where our money went last year. Well I finally got to it! It was really interesting seeing all our regular bills in an annual format. I think going forward this year, I'll do this at the end of each month. This should keep us very accountable to the budget and help keep us motivated as we finish paying off our non-mortgage debt this year.

I only listed regular monthly bills with a due date, the total debt payments we made, and then an everything else category. The everything else category is where we can squeeze our budget and get even more towards the debt snowball! It includes: gas for our vehicles, groceries, clothing, entertainment, allowance, home projects, homeschool expenses, school applications, gifts, travel expenses (hotels, car rentals, flights), and basically ANYTHING else!

As a percentage of our income:


This blog chronicles our days as we strive to raise our family, be frugal, homeschool, and live our version of a suburban homestead life!

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